Our tortoises (but I call them turtles), are two years old and eat a lot. Last year we learned that we had to start feeding the turtles grass and flowers in order for them to grow healthy. So we need to grow our own grass and flowers in order for the turtles to have food.
I am writing to tell you that I have managed to keep the grass and plants ALIVE! It is quite exciting, being that I have just jumped into this endeavor. Recently I planted some dichondra (clover things), which are sprouting up and making me feel like a competent gardener.
These pictures of the plants do not do my skills justice. You see, the turtles go around eating all the leaves off the bottom of the plants so they look like they are not growing. And my dichondra really aren't that big, obviously, but that are sprouting, which means I am doing something right. Every little sprout encourages me to continue learning about making my garden.
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