September 9, 2011

Crazy Times

The excitement of beginning school has passed.  I am starting to feel overwhelmed.  I started the semester with 4 classes.  And that means hours and hours of homework everyday to keep up with the class lectures.  And it leaves no time to start on the major papers for each class, or any of the two papers due in any given class.

So yesterday I can home, and I was not very excited because I realized that one 20 page paper is due in a month, and I feel like I am already behind.  I told my mom I was exhausted already.  And she told me, you are taking 4 classes which is a lot for graduate school.  You don't have to take all those classes.  And it was like an "aha" moment.  I thought your right.  I had not considered this before because I thought I could do it, and I knew it would probably be stressful, but I believe I could get through it.  But I think my mom telling me that, was like her saying I will still be proud of you even if you only take three classes.  I didn't realize that I felt that way until my mom told me I don't have to take all those classes. In the very back of my mind I am also wanting to do my best and be the best to make her proud of me.

So the past few days I have been uninspired to do homework, and I was getting all worked up, but now that I don't have so many classes I don't have to get worked up.  I can just know and be ok with it, because I know I will be able to complete everything to the best of my abilities.

Something I worked on:
(you know there is never enough time when school starts.  I even quit my less than part time job, but I still feel I can and should be doing homework all the time)
 I found this block letter at Michael's for 2.50$ and was happy to buy the initial for my name and display it in my room.  Of course when I bought it it was a lonely sad white A.  I decided to decorate and have it match my colorful room.  I love it! And i had a lot of fun creatively.

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