May 14, 2011

Tearful Ending

I just finished one of the newer Nicholas Spark's books called Safe Haven, and oh man, the end is a tear jerker.  There are some parts you don't see coming, others are terrifying, and there is a kind of suspense that runs throughout the book that makes you want to keep reading and learn more about the characters.
     This book is about a girl (or woman, whichever you prefer) named Katie who is starting a new life in a small town.  The book takes us through her new life, and how it is different from what she has had in the past.  We learn a dark secret that she is hiding from everyone, and trying to forget herself.  As you can imagine, it being a Nicholas Spark book and all, there is a guiding love story, something that touches your heart as you move through and become a part of this complicated tale.
      The ending is not sad, though tears did fall, but in a way that you are overwhelmed with happiness for Katie, and that she has overcome all these obstacles to get everything she wants out of life.

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